BPOSG BPO Standards and Guidelines








BPO Standards and Guidelines Survey


The BPO Standards Board is now taking feedback and input from the BPO industry at large in order to review BPO Standards and Guidelines. The survey is open to end consumers of BPOs (banks, lenders, loan servicers et al), brokers and sales agents (BPO Practitioners), Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs), and BPO and REO companies (companies who provide property valuations and BPOs). The BPO Standards Board will receive and compile the feedback and input from all submitted submissions. This feedback and input provides a wide array of insights and knowledge which serves as a starting point for the BPO Standards Board to update, revise, and refine BPO Standards and Guidelines . The BSB will utilize the compiled results of the surveys to evaluate and determine BPO Standards and Guidelines applicability, relevance, and to revise as needed.


The preferred method for the BPO Standards Board to receive feedback is via e-mail on a marked up copy of the 3 documents below. The 3 base documents are saved in "review" mode. If your software supports "review" mode, you will clearly see changes as you make them within the documents. If your software does not support "review mode", please change the font color to red for your input so your updates are clear. Simply rewrite the appropriate section with your suggestion or place comments in the vicinity of the section where you are making suggestions. The BPO Standards Board will also accept input via fax or mail if you prefer to make hand written suggestions.


You must download the following 3 documents:


Draft Guidelines


Draft Standards


Draft Rating Table


Click here for Download Instructions




Please send feedback to (preferred method):




Mail Option:
Attn: BSB
6619 N. Scottsdale Rd
Scottsdale, AZ  85250


Fax Option: 800-767-0743


Thank you for providing input and feedback. Your input is greatly appreciated.


BSB BPO Standards Board













BPOSG are copyrighted documents but can be distributed and utilized to the widest extent with appropriate credit to BSB.